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Array Networks Web Application Firewall

Array Networks Web Application Firewall


Array web application firewalls provide a flexible and precise tool for securing business-critical resources. Commonly deployed along with load balancing and app delivery solutions, the ASF detects and blocks attacks including the OWASP Top 10, WASC, Layer 7 DDoS, and zero-day attacks with pinpoint accuracy. It ensures continuous security for applications and infrastructure while supporting compliance with security standards including PCI DSS.

Product Details

Vendor URL: Array Networks

Product Type: Web Application firewall

Product Tier: Tier II

Integration Method: Syslog

Integration URL: Cyderes Documentation

Parser Details

Log Format: Syslog

Expected Normalization Rate: 100%


UDM Fields (list of all UDM fields leveraged in the Parser):

Log File Field UDM Field
act security_result.action_details
act security_result.action
atkdata security_result.detection_fields
atkmsg security_result.summary
atktype security_result.category_details
cmd target.process.command_line
Content-Length additional.fields
Content-Type additional.fields
CSRF_TOKEN_COOKIE security_result.detection_fields
detmod metadata.description
Host target.hostname
Host security_result.about.ip
Host security_result.about.hostname
httpcode network.http.response_code
Origin principal.hostname
port security_result.about.port
protype/protocol network.application_protocol
Referer network.http.referral_url
reqheader network.http.method
reqheader target.url
reqheader network.application_protocol_version
response_size network.received_bytes
rsip/dip target.ip
rsport/dport target.port
ruleID security_result.rule_id
severity security_result.severity_details
sip principal.ip
sport principal.port
srv/sname network.dhcp.sname
srvip observer.ip
srvport observer.port
tranID additional.fields
User principal.user.userid
User-Agent network.http.user_agent
wname observer.hostname
X-Requested-With additional.fields

Product Event Types

Event UDM Event Classification

Log Sample

<132>2024 Jul 19 15:17:23  WARNING 100041029 WAF attack: sip="" sport=47089 dip="" dport=9464 sname="AA_PRD_VIP_123" wname="WAF_AA_BB_CC" atktype="Positive" tranID="aBx0Abc01GfU123" ruleID="1000" act="Pass" host="" method="POST" url="/Web/example/ui/ticket/SearchEditTicketsDetail.htm" pending="-" protype="HTTP" detmod="Detected threats by positive WAF" atkmsg="Detected sql keywords in BODY|NAME" atkdata="ticketsector.fromcity"

Sample Parsing

additional.fields["tranID"] = "aBx0Abc01GfU123"
metadata.description = "Detected threats by positive WAF"
metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_HTTP"
metadata.log_type = "ARRAY_NETWORKS_WAF"
metadata.product_event_type = "WAF_attack"
metadata.product_log_id = "100041029"
metadata.product_name = "WAF"
metadata.vendor_name = "Array Networks"
network.application_protocol = "HTTP"
network.dhcp.sname = "AA_PRD_VIP_123"
network.http.method = "POST"
observer.hostname = "WAF_AA_BB_CC"
principal.ip = ""
principal.port = 47089
security_result.action_details = "Pass"
security_result.action = "ALLOW"
security_result.category_details = "Positive"
security_result.detection_fields.key = "atkdata"
security_result.detection_fields.value = "ticketsector.fromcity"
security_result.rule_id = "1000"
security_result.severity = "MEDIUM"
security_result.severity_details = "WARNING"
security_result.summary = "Detected sql keywords in BODY|NAME"
target.ip = ""
target.hostname = ""
target.port = 9464
target.url = "/Web/example/ui/ticket/SearchEditTicketsDetail.htm"