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Aruba Networking Central

Aruba Networking Central


A cloud-based networking solution that empowers IT with AI-powered insights, intuitive visualizations, workflow automation, and edge-to-cloud security to manage campus, branch, remote, data center, and IoT networks from one dashboard.

Product Details

Vendor URL: Aruba Networking Central

Product Type: Networking

Product Tier: Tier III

Integration Method: Generic Webhook

Integration URL: Aruba Central - Integration Guide

Log Guide: Sample Logs by Log Type

Parser Details

Log Format: JSON

Expected Normalization Rate: 100%


UDM Fields (list of all UDM fields leveraged in the Parser):

Log File Field UDM Field
alert_type metadata.product_event_type
cid observer.asset.labels
cluster_hostname observer.hostname
description security_result.description
details.__base_url target.url
details._rule_number security_result.rule_id
details.config_change security_result.summary
details.dev_type target.asset.hardware.model
details.macaddr target.mac
details.rules.0 security_result.rule_labels
details.serial target.asset.hardware.serial_number
details.user principal.hostname
id metadata.product_log_id
operation security_result.action_details
parameters target.ip
parameters target.mac
state security_result.outcomes
text target.hostname
webhook additional.fields

Product Event Types

Event UDM Event Classification

Log Sample

{"alert_type":"Rogue AP detected","cid":"123456789123456789","cluster_hostname":"","description":"An AP(NAME HOSTNAME-002-ABC) detected an access point (BSSID A0:A1:A3:00:00:00) as rogue","details":{"__base_url":"","description":"An AP(NAME HOSTNAME-002-ABC) detected an access point (BSSID A0:A1:A3:00:00:00) as rogue","device_id":"ABC1234","group":"123","labels":"8","rules":["{'conditions': [{'severity': 4}], 'group': [233, 234, 0, 15, 257, 2, 240, 238, 239, 246, 237, 251, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 248, 247, 256, 123, 236, 235, 252, 253], 'label': [1, 5, 118, 17, 9, 3, 2, 4, 83, 85, 10, 6, 50, 11, 84, 12, 8], 'rule_number': 0}"],"serial":"ABC1234","setting_id":"123456789123456789-10","time":"2024-05-07 05:55:33 UTC","ts":"1715061333"},"device_id":"ABC1234","id":"abc123def","nid":10,"operation":"create","setting_id":"123456789123456789-10","severity":"Major","state":"Open","text":"An AP(NAME HOSTNAME-002-ABC) detected an access point (BSSID A0:A1:A3:00:00:00) as rogue","timestamp":1715061333,"webhook":"a1b03c4d5e-1234-1abc-abc4-1234567"}

Sample Parsing

additional.fields["webhook"] = "a1b03c4d5e-1234-1abc-abc4-1234567"
metadata.description = "Rogue AP detected"
metadata.product_name = "Central"
metadata.vendor_name = "ArubaNetworks"
observer.asset.labels.key = "CID"
observer.asset.labels.value = "123456789123456789"
observer.hostname = ""
principal.hostname = "HOSTNAME-002-ABC"
security_result.action_details = "create"
security_result.description = "An AP(NAME HOSTNAME-002-ABC) detected an access point (BSSID A0:A1:A3:00:00:00) as rogue"
security_result.outcomes.key = "State"
security_result.outcomes.value = "Open"
security_result.rule_labels.key = "rules"
security_result.rule_labels.value = "{'conditions': [{'severity': 4}], 'group': [233, 234, 0, 15, 257, 2, 240, 238, 239, 246, 237, 251, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 248, 247, 256, 123, 236, 235, 252, 253], 'label': [1, 5, 118, 17, 9, 3, 2, 4, 83, 85, 10, 6, 50, 11, 84, 12, 8], 'rule_number': 0}"
security_result.severity_details = "Major"
target.asset.hardware.serial_number = "ABC1234" = "123"
target.mac = "A0:A1:A3:00:00:00"
target.url = ""