Datadog is a monitoring and analytics tool for information technology (IT) and DevOps teams that can be used to determine performance metrics as well as event monitoring for infrastructure and cloud services. The software can monitor services such as servers, databases and tools.
Product Details¶
Vendor URL: Datadog
Product Type: Data Security
Product Tier: Tier II
Integration Method: Syslog
Integration URL: n/a
Log Guide: n/a
Parser Details¶
Log Format: JSON
Expected Normalization Rate: near 100%
Data Label: DATADOG
UDM Fields (list of all UDM fields leveraged in the Parser):
Log File Field | UDM Field |
message | metadata.description |
date | metadata.event_timestamp |
"Datadog" | metadata.vendor_name |
"Datadog" | metadata.product_name |
attributes.message_type | metadata.product_event_type |
_id | metadata.product_log_id |
attributes.http.method | network.http.method |
attributes.http.useragent | network.http.user_agent |
attributes.http.url | network.http.referral_url |
attributes.http.status_code | network.http.response_code |
attributes.request_size | network.sent_bytes |
attributes.ssl_cipher | network.tls.cipher |
source | principal.asset.category |
service | principal.application |
attributes.client | principal.ip |
host | principal.hostname |
attributes.server_name | target.hostname |
upstream_ip | src.ip |
upstream_ip | src.port |
attributes.HOSTNAME | intermediary.hostname |
attributes.logger_name | intermediary.application | | |
attributes.region | principal.asset.location.country_or_region |
attributes.mqtt_host | principal.asset.asset_id |
attributes.@version | |
attributes.level_value | security_result.action_details |
attributes.reason | security_result.description |
status | security_result.severity |
tags | security_result.category_details |
jwt_aud | additional.fields |
topic | additional.fields |
payload | additional.fields |
attributes.bytes_written | additional.fields |
attributes.thread_name | additional.fields |
Product Event Types¶
Product Event | Description | UDM Event |
All | All events | GENERIC_EVENT |
Log Sample¶
{"date":"2022-06-24T14:30:29.143Z","service":"princ_application","host":"hostname1","attributes":{"server_name":"hostname2","upstream_x_request_id":"-","ssl_cipher":"cipher","upstream_time":0.008,"client_system_name":"name","jwt_aud":"token","proxy_name":"proxy_name","date_access":"24/Jun/2022:14:30:28 +0000","duration":0.006,"bytes_written":"9","upstream_status":"200","retry_count":"-","cmd_relay_client_id":"relayId","http":{"status_code":200,"method":"POST","useragent":"agent","url":"url"},"client":"","CorrelationId":"correlationID","request_size":"25842","upstream_ip":""},"_id":"logid","source":"asset","status":"info","tags":["tag1","tag2","tag3"]}
Sample Parsing¶
metadata.product_log_id = "logid"
metadata.event_timestamp = 1656081029
metadata.event_type = GENERIC_EVENT
metadata.vendor_name = "Datadog"
metadata.product_name = "Datadog"
additional.fields.bytes_written = "9"
additional.fields.jwt_aud = "token"
principal.hostname = "hostname1"
principal.ip = ""
principal.asset.category = "asset"
principal.application = "princ_application"
src.ip = ""
src.port = "8090"
target.hostname = "hostname2" = "correlationID" = "relayId" = "proxy_name" = "name"
security_result.category_details = "tag1"
security_result.category_details = "tag2"
security_result.category_details = "tag3"
security_result.severity = INFORMATIONAL
network.sent_bytes = "25842"
network.http.method = "POST"
network.http.referral_url = "url"
network.http.user_agent = "agent"
network.http.response_code = 200
network.tls.cipher = "cipher"
Parser Alerting¶
This product currently does not have any Parser-based Alerting