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Wiz IO

Wiz IO


Agentless coverage of your entire cloud environment

  • Wiz scans every resource across entire cloud stack and multi-cloud environments using a 100% API approach that deploys in minutes.

Analysis that goes beyond standalone point solutions

  • Wiz redefines cloud security, combining what used to be addressed by standalone CSPM and CWPP products with our innovative Cloud Risk Engine to reveal effective risk.

The most critical risks surfaced and prioritized instantly

  • Wiz finds the toxic combinations of cloud risk factors that together create an actual breach path

Product Details

Vendor URL: Wiz IO

Product Type: Monitoring

Product Tier: Tier II

Integration Method: Custom

Integration URL: Wiz IO - Cyderes Documentation

Log Guide: Sample Logs by Log Type - Cyderes Documentation

Parser Details

Log Format: JSON

Expected Normalization Rate: Near 100%

Data Label: WIZ_IO

UDM Fields (list of all UDM fields leveraged in the Parser):

Log File Field UDM Field
Control.Description extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities
Control ID principal.hostname
Control Name metadata.product_event_type
Entity ID
Entity Name
Entity Technologies Name
Entity.Technologies.StackLayer security_result.about.resource.resource_subtype
ID metadata.product_log_id
Projects ID
Projects Name
Severity security_result.severity
Status security_result.about.investigation.comments
sysloghost observer.hostname
tagCountry principal.asset.location.country_or_region

Product Event Types

Event UDM Event Classification

Log Sample

{"ID":"id","Severity":"HIGH","Status":"OPEN","ResolutionReason":"","Description":"This VM instance group is widely accessible on any port. Thus, an attacker can easily access it and compromise it. It is highly recommended to limit the network access to each resource for only the required paths. ","Note":"","Control":{"ID":"id","Name":"VM instance group widely accessible on any port","Description":"This VM instance group is widely accessible on any port. Thus, an attacker can easily access it and compromise it. It is highly recommended to limit the network access to each resource for only the required paths. ","ResolutionRecommendation":"To resolve this issue follow these steps:\n1. Inspect the evidence.\n2. If the resource is stale, remove it.\n3. Restrict the public exposure:\n    * Inspect the Wiz network exposure calculation and restrict public access to the VM.\n    * Ensure that exposed ports allow only encrypted communications.\n* Limit the range of addresses that allows access to this VM group.","Tags":[],"Type":"SECURITY_GRAPH","Severity":"HIGH","CreatedAt":"2021-04-04T07:16:35Z","LastRunAt":"2021-11-19T16:04:51Z","LastSuccessfulRunAt":"2021-11-19T16:04:51Z","Enabled":true},"Projects":[{"ID":"HOSTNAME","Name":"Azure Production ","Description":"","Identifiers":[],"BusinessUnit":"","RiskProfile":{"BusinessImpact":"HBI"},"Slug":"azure-production","Archived":false}],"ServiceTickets":[],"Entity":{"ID":"HOSTNAME","Name":"name","Type":"COMPUTE_INSTANCE_GROUP","FirstSeen":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","LastSeen":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","Technologies":[{"Name":"Azure Databricks","Description":"Fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform","Note":"","Risk":"HIGH","Categories":[{"Name":"Machine Learning \u0026 AI"}],"StackLayer":"APPLICATION_AND_DATA","DeploymentModel":"CLOUD_PLATFORM_SERVICE"}],"UserMetadata":{"Note":"","IsIgnored":false,"IsInWatchlist":false},"CustomIPRangeExposures":{"Nodes":[],"TotalCount":0},"OtherSubscriptionExposures":{"Nodes":[],"TotalCount":0},"OtherVnetExposures":{"Nodes":[],"TotalCount":0},"PublicExposures":{"Nodes":[],"TotalCount":0},"VPNExposures":{"Nodes":[],"TotalCount":0}},"EntitySnapshot":{"ID":"HOSTNAME","Name":"name","Type":"COMPUTE_INSTANCE_GROUP","CloudPlatform":"Azure"},"CreatedAt":"2021-11-19T16:04:51Z","DueAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","ResolvedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"2021-11-19T16:04:51Z"}

Sample Parsing

metadata.product_log_id = "id"
metadata.event_timestamp = "2021-11-19T16:08:39.365219Z"
metadata.event_type = "SCAN_VULN_HOST"
metadata.vendor_name = "WIZ"
metadata.product_name = "IO"
metadata.product_event_type = "VM instance group widely accessible on any port"
metadata.ingested_timestamp = "2021-11-19T16:08:39.365219Z"
principal.hostname = "HOSTNAME"
principal.asset.hostname = "HOSTNAME" = "COMPUTE_INSTANCE_GROUP" = "id" = "name" = "Azure Databricks"
security_result.about.resource.resource_subtype = "APPLICATION_AND_DATA" = "id" = "Azure Production "
security_result.about.investigation.status = "NEW"
security_result.about.investigation.comments = "OPEN"
security_result.severity = "HIGH"
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.description = "This VM instance group is widely accessible on any port. Thus, an attacker can easily access it and compromise it. It is highly recommended to limit the network access to each resource for only the required paths. "

Parser Alerting

This product currently does not have any Parser-based Alerting