Zscaler Firewall¶
Zscaler Cloud Firewall enables fast, secure on- and off-network connections and local internet breakouts for all your user traffic, without any hardware or software to manage.
Purpose-built for today's digital world, Zscaler Cloud Firewall ensures you can securely access the internet and handle all web and non-web traffic, across all ports and protocols, with infinite elastic scalability and unbeatable performance. Your users get consistent protection no matter what device they’re using or where they are—at home, the office, HQ, or on the road.
Product Details¶
Vendor URL: Zscaler Firewall
Product Type: Firewall
Product Tier: Tier II
Integration Method: Custom
Log Guide: Sample Logs by Log Type
Parser Details¶
Log Format: JSON
Expected Normalization Rate: near 100%
UDM Fields (list of all UDM fields leveraged in the Parser):
Log File Field | UDM Field |
Firewall | metadata.product_name |
Zscaler | metadata.vendor_name |
event.cdip / event.sdip | target.ip |
event.cdport | target.port |
event.nwapp | target.application |
event.destcountry | target.location.country_or_region |
event.devicehostname | principal.asset.hostname |
event.csip | principal.ip |
event.csport | principal.port |
event.user | principal.user.userid |
event.department | principal.user.department |
event.locationname | principal.user.office_address.name |
event.ssip | src.ip |
event.ssport | src.port |
event.tsip | intermediary.ip |
event.proto or "UNKNOWN_IP_PROTOCOL" | network.ip_protocol |
event.outbytes | network.sent_bytes |
event.inbytes | network.received_bytes |
ALLOW or BLOCK | security_result.action |
event.ipcat | security_result.category_details |
event.rulelabel | security_result.rule_name |
event.threatname | security_result.threat_name |
event.ipsrulelabel | security_result.rule_id |
event.threatcat | security_result.summary |
Product Event Types¶
Event | UDM Event Classification |
all others | GENERIC_EVENT |
other Destination Port | NETWORK_HTTP |
Dest Port 80, 8080, 443 | NETWORK_CONNECTION |
Log Sample¶
{ "sourcetype" : "zscalernss-fw", "event" :{"datetime":"Fri Jul 15 12:29:00 2022","user":"john.doe@company-domain.com","department":"Technology%20and%20Operations%20Admin","locationname":"US%20-%20City","cdport":"443","csport":"55013","sdport":"443","ssport":"59944","csip":"","cdip":"","ssip":"","sdip":"","tsip":"","tunsport":"0","tuntype":"ZscalerClientConnector","action":"Allow","dnat":"No","stateful":"Yes","aggregate":"Yes","nwsvc":"Mortgage director","nwapp":"office365","proto":"TCP","ipcat":"Office_365","destcountry":"United States","avgduration":"157000","rulelabel":"Office%20365%20One%20Click%20Rule","inbytes":"7797","outbytes":"4584","duration":"157","durationms":"157000","numsessions":"1","ipsrulelabel":"None","threatcat":"None","threatname":"None","deviceowner":"DESKTOP-HOSTNAME","devicehostname":"DESKTOP-HOSTNAME"}}
Sample Parsing¶
metadata.event_timestamp = "2022-07-15T12:29:00Z"
metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_HTTP"
metadata.vendor_name = "Zscaler"
metadata.product_name = "Firewall"
principal.hostname = "DESKTOP-HOSTNAME"
principal.user.userid = "john.doe@company-domain.com"
principal.user.department = "Technology%20and%20Operations%20Admin"
principal.user.office_address.name = "US%20-%20City"
principal.ip = ""
principal.port = 55013
principal.asset.hostname = "DESKTOP-HOSTNAME"
principal.asset.ip = ""
src.ip = ""
src.port = 59944
src.asset.ip = ""
target.ip = ""
target.ip = ""
target.port = 443
target.application = "office365"
target.location.country_or_region = "United States"
intermediary.ip = ""
security_result.threat_name = "None"
security_result.rule_name = "Office%20365%20One%20Click%20Rule"
security_result.summary = "None"
security_result.action = "ALLOW"
security_result.rule_id = "None"
network.sent_bytes = 4584
network.received_bytes = 7797
network.ip_protocol = "TCP"
Parser Alerting¶
This product currently does not have any Parser-based Alerting