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Metadata Fields

Event metadata such as timestamp, source product, etc.

Metadata Field Details


Description: The GMT timestamp when the event was collected by the vendor's local collection infrastructure.

Type: String


Description: A human-readable unparsable description of the event.

Type: String


Description: The GMT timestamp when the event was generated.

Type: String


Description: If an event has multiple possible types, this specifies the most specific type.

Type: Enum

Enum Description
PROCESS_UNCATEGORIZED Activity related to a process which does not match any other event types.
PROCESS_LAUNCH Process launch.
PROCESS_INJECTION Process injecting into another process.
PROCESS_PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION Process privilege escalation.
PROCESS_TERMINATION Process termination.
PROCESS_OPEN Process being opened.
PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD Process loading a module.
REGISTRY_UNCATEGORIZED Registry event which does not match any of the other event types.
REGISTRY_CREATION Registry creation.
REGISTRY_MODIFICATION Registry modification.
REGISTRY_DELETION Registry deletion.
SETTING_UNCATEGORIZED Settings-related event which does not match any of the other event types.
SETTING_CREATION Setting creation.
SETTING_MODIFICATION Setting modification.
SETTING_DELETION Setting deletion.
MUTEX_UNCATEGORIZED Any mutex event other than creation.
MUTEX_CREATION Mutex creation.
FILE_UNCATEGORIZED File event which does not match any of the other event types.
FILE_CREATION File created.
FILE_DELETION File deleted.
FILE_READ File read.
FILE_COPY File copied. Used for file copies, for example, to a thumb drive.
FILE_OPEN File opened.
FILE_MOVE File moved or renamed.
FILE_SYNC File synced (for example, Google Drive, Dropbox, backup).
USER_UNCATEGORIZED User activity which does not match any of the other event types.
USER_LOGIN User login.
USER_LOGOUT User logout.
USER_CREATION User creation.
USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD User password change event.
USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS Change in user permissions.
USER_STATS Deprecated. Used to update user info for an LDAP dump.
USER_BADGE_IN User physically badging into a location.
USER_DELETION User deletion.
USER_RESOURCE_CREATION User creating a virtual resource. This is equivalent to RESOURCE_CREATION.
USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT User updating content of a virtual resource. This is equivalent to RESOURCE_WRITTEN.
USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS User updating permissions of a virtual resource. This is equivalent to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE.
USER_COMMUNICATION User initiating communication through a medium (for example, video).
USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS User accessing a virtual resource. This is equivalent to RESOURCE_READ.
USER_RESOURCE_DELETION User deleting a virtual resource. This is equivalent to RESOURCE_DELETION.
GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED A group activity that does not fall into one of the other event types.
GROUP_CREATION A group creation.
GROUP_DELETION A group deletion.
GROUP_MODIFICATION A group modification.
EMAIL_TRANSACTION An email transaction.
EMAIL_URL_CLICK Deprecated. An email URL click event. Use NETWORK_HTTP instead.
NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED A network event that does not fit into one of the other event types.
NETWORK_FLOW Aggregated flow stats like netflow.
NETWORK_CONNECTION Network connection details like from a FW.
NETWORK_FTP FTP telemetry.
STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED A status message that does not fit into one of the other event types.
STATUS_HEARTBEAT Heartbeat indicating product is alive.
STATUS_STARTUP An agent startup.
STATUS_SHUTDOWN An agent shutdown.
STATUS_UPDATE A software or fingerprint update.
SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED Scan item that does not fit into one of the other event types.
SCAN_FILE A file scan.
SCAN_PROCESS_BEHAVIORS Scan process behaviors. Please use SCAN_PROCESS instead.
SCAN_PROCESS Scan process.
SCAN_HOST Scan results from scanning an entire host device for threats/sensitive documents.
SCAN_VULN_HOST Vulnerability scan logs about host vulnerabilities (e.g., out of date software) and network vulnerabilities (e.g., unprotected service detected via a network scan).
SCAN_VULN_NETWORK Vulnerability scan logs about network vulnerabilities.
SCAN_NETWORK Scan network for suspicious activity
SCHEDULED_TASK_UNCATEGORIZED Scheduled task event that does not fall into one of the other event types.
SCHEDULED_TASK_CREATION Scheduled task creation.
SCHEDULED_TASK_DELETION Scheduled task deletion.
SCHEDULED_TASK_ENABLE Scheduled task being enabled.
SCHEDULED_TASK_DISABLE Scheduled task being disabled.
SCHEDULED_TASK_MODIFICATION Scheduled task being modified.
SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED A system audit log event that is not a wipe.
SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_WIPE A system audit log wipe.
SERVICE_UNSPECIFIED Service event that does not fit into one of the other event types.
SERVICE_CREATION A service creation.
SERVICE_DELETION A service deletion.
SERVICE_START A service start.
SERVICE_STOP A service stop.
SERVICE_MODIFICATION A service modification.
GENERIC_EVENT OS events that do not fall in any of the other above event types. Might include uncategorized Windows event logs, etc.
RESOURCE_CREATION The resource was created/provisioned. This is equivalent to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION.
RESOURCE_DELETION The resource was deleted/deprovisioned. This is equivalent to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION.
RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE The resource had it's permissions or ACLs updated. This is equivalent to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS.
RESOURCE_READ The resource was read. This is equivalent to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS.
RESOURCE_WRITTEN The resource was written to. This is equivalent to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT.
ANALYST_UPDATE_VERDICT Analyst updating the Verdict (True-positive, False positive, Disregard etc.) of a finding
ANALYST_UPDATE_REPUTATION Analyst updating the Reputation (useful, not useful) of a finding
ANALYST_UPDATE_SEVERITY_SCORE Analyst updating the Severity score(0-100) of a finding.
ANALYST_UPDATE_STATUS Analyst updating the finding status.
ANALYST_ADD_COMMENT Analyst adding a comment for a finding.
ANALYST_UPDATE_PRIORITY Analyst updating the priority (low, meduim, high, etc.) for a finding.
ANALYST_UPDATE_ROOT_CAUSE Analyst updating the root cause for a finding.
ANALYST_UPDATE_REASON Analyst updating the reason (malicious, not malicious, etc.) for a finding.
ANALYST_UPDATE_RISK_SCORE Analyst updating the Risk score(0-100) of a finding.

Description: ID of the UDM event. Can be used for raw and normalized event retrieval.

Type: String


Description: The GMT timestamp when the event was ingested (received) by Chronicle.

Type: String


Description: The key.

Type: String


Description: Where the label is derived from. For now, only UDM field paths that are eligible outcome for signal index are populated. @hide_from_doc

Type: String


Description: The value.

Type: String


Description: User-configured ingestion metadata labels.

Type: Array


Description: The deployment identifier assigned by the vendor for a product deployment.

Type: String


Description: A short, descriptive, human-readable, product-specific event name or type (e.g. "Scanned X", "User account created", "process_start").

Type: String


Description: A vendor-specific event identifier to uniquely identify the event (e.g. a GUID).

Type: String


Description: The name of the product.

Type: String


Description: The version of the product.

Type: String


Description: A list of sink name values defined in DataTap configurations.

Type: Array


Description: A list of subtenant ids that this event belongs to. .

Type: Array


Description: A URL that takes the user to the source product console for this event.

Type: String


Description: The name of the product vendor.

Type: String