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Cyderes supports the ingestion of login, query, and task history telemetry from Snowflake databases.

Chronicle Data Types


Reader Account Usage Schema

By default, Cyderes will ingest from the customer's selected sources using the ACCOUNT_USAGE schema. However, and upon customer request, Cyderes also has the ability to ingest login and query history using the READER_ACCOUNT_USAGE schema.

Caveats / Known Limitations

The data sources have the following latencies:

Source Latency
Login History 2 Hours
Query History 45 Minutes
Task History 45 Minutes

You can find more information about this in Snowflake's documentation.


The provided account should have access to the SNOWFLAKE database and the ACCOUNT_USAGE views. By default, that table is only available to the role: ACCOUNTADMIN. You can grant those privileges to other roles for Cyderes to utilize by following Snowflake's documentation.

If login and query history using the READER_ACCOUNT_USAGE schema is desired, the provided account should also have access to the READER_USAGE_VIEWER role.

A comparison of the data returned by the ACCOUNT_USAGE and READER_ACCOUNT_USAGE schemas can be found in Snowflake's documentation

Gather Information

Please send the following to Cyderes when setup is completed:

  • Account ID
  • User ID
  • Password
  • Region