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CyberArk PAM

CyberArk PAM


Keep your business and its most valuable assets secure. Preventing malicious account or credential access starts with comprehensive privileged access management.

Product Details

Vendor URL: CyberArk | Privileged Access Manager

Additional URLs:

Product Type: Identity and Access Management

Product Tier: Tier II

Integration Method: Syslog

Parser Details

Log Format: CEF:0/KV

Expected Normalization Rate: near 90%


UDM Fields (list of all UDM fields leveraged in the Parser):

Log File Field UDM Event Classification
action metadata.product_event_type
cn1 principal.labels["cn1Label"]
cn2 principal.labels["cn2Label"]
cs1 principal.labels["cs1Label"]
cs2 principal.labels["cs2Label"]
cs3 principal.labels["cs3Label"]
cs4 principal.labels["cs4Label"]
cs5 principal.labels["cs5Label"]
dhost target.hostname
duser target.user.userid
fname target.file.names
hostname observer.hostname
product_name metadata.product_name
shost principal.ip
shost src.hostname
suser principal.user.userid
vendor_name metadata.vendor_name
version metadata.product_version

Product Event Types

Event UDM Event Classification
GENERIC_EVENT metadata.event_type

Log Sample

<5>1 2023-07-28T05:01:01Z server01 CEF:0|Cyber-Ark|Vault|12.2.0008|59|Clear Safe History|5|act=Clear Safe History suser=exampleuser fname= dvc= shost= dhost= duser= externalId= app= reason= cs1Label="Affected User Name" cs1= cs2Label="Safe Name" cs2=PasswordManagerTemp cs3Label="Device Type" cs3= cs4Label="Database" cs4= cs5Label="Other info" cs5= cn1Label="Request Id" cn1= cn2Label="Ticket Id" cn2=  msg=

Sample Parsing

metadata.event_type = GENERIC_EVENT
metadata.vendor_name = "Cyber-Ark"
metadata.product_name = "Vault"
metadata.product_version = "12.2.0008"
metadata.product_event_type = "Clear Safe History"
observer.hostname = "server01"
principal.user.userid = "exampleuser"
principal.ip = ""
principal.labels["Safe Name"] = "PasswordManagerTemp"
src.hostname = ""

Parser Alerting

This product currently does not have any Parser-based Alerting


Coming soon